and actively contribute to tackle the climate crisis!
You are a European SME or service organization? Calculate with our software your Climate Footprint incl. Scope 3 emissions with minimal effort via spending data, and use a simple degree-Celsius-KPI for effective progress tracking on the way to Net Zero.
* Data protection: Your accounting data is stored securely on servers in Germany and of course treated with absolute confidentiality.
Your Climate Footprint (GHG emissions)
Standard KPIs incl. benchmark with industry average
Contribution of single categories
Contribution of Scopes 1-3 according to GHG protocol
Decarbonization plan and °C impact
We will be happy to send you an excerpt from our master thesis (in German).
Rough Footprint Report - Estimate based on company size and basic specifications - FREE
Actual Footprint Report - For B3 reporting in accordance with the VSME standard as part of CSRD (GHG Protocol-compliant) / upload payment data / calculation within a few weeks / delivery in web dashboard and as PDF/word report
Web-meeting - For Q&A and first impulses for reduction measures
Targets * - Definition of 1.7 °C-compatible GHG reduction targets (ambitious and still realistic in comparison to Science Based Targets)
GHG reduction measures * - Workshop for identification and dimensioning of possible measures / determination of cost and impact / GHG abatement cost curve for prioritization according to economic efficiency and impact
°C impact of own strategy * - Selection of measures and indication of whether they comply with the 1.7 °C limit / °C calculation of the finally selected measures (annually updated)
Communication - °C Badge (annually updated)