Position yourself for the future - with a Climate Footprint Management

and actively contribute to tackle the climate crisis!

You are a European SME or service organization? Calculate with our software your Climate Footprint incl. Scope 3 emissions with minimal effort via spending data, and use a simple degree-Celsius-KPI for effective progress tracking on the way to Net Zero.

Book a demo

Your benefits with a Climate Footprint Management

Increase your attractiveness as an employer
In times of very low emotional attachment to the employer AND a shortage of skilled workers, Climate Footprint Management can be an important asset for retention and hiring of staff. Because 2 out of 3 people are sensitive to climate protection and expect according engagement from their employer.
Meet CSRD reporting requirements with an ESRS-compliant climate report
From 2024 on large companies in the EU need to do an ESG-sustainability reporting under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), using the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). SMEs will be indirectly affected as the big ones will require according disclosure from their suppliers.
Create better conditions for your financing
From 2024, the CSRD will require banks to transparently disclose where their money goes and, according to EBA guidelines, to take ESG criteria into account when granting loans. Furthermore, investors will increasingly demand ESG disclosure under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).
Increase your resilience with a 1.5°C-aligned strategy
We help you identify the most climate-effective and economical measures within your 1.5°C pathway. Subsequent consistent implementation increases your resilience to better meet future challenges.

This is how the annual report is created

Upload accounting data *

in csv-format
Specification for scopes 1-3
If necessary product-level specification for relevant suppliers

Scientific calculation

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Get your annual report

* Data protection: Your accounting data is stored securely on servers in Germany and of course treated with absolute confidentiality.

The annual report provides information about...

  • Your Climate Footprint (GHG emissions)

  • Standard KPIs incl. benchmark with industry average

  • Contribution of single categories

  • Contribution of Scopes 1-3 according to GHG protocol

  • Decarbonization plan and °C impact

Download example report
A Laptop showing a table with some data on the screen

For whom? How does it work?

Best suitable for medium-sized companies
Industries we can calculate:
  • Service industry: from information & communication over consulting, advertising and logistics to media production, hotels, events and sports clubs
  • Retail with heterogeneous product assortment. Here, the operations footprint is relevant and of course the footprint of the traded goods
  • Manufacturing companies

You want to learn even more about our method?

We will be happy to send you an excerpt from our master thesis (in German).

Download excerpt of master thesis
Calculation by mapping your suppliers to our eco.income index
  • Once you upload your spending data, we can map all your suppliers and spendings to our categories with specific GHG emission intensities.
  • For more precision we ask you to do a self assessment and set modifiers such as "low" for the category "organic share of food/meals". And you can specify your scope 1 and 2 emissions by providing activity-based input (liters of gasoline or kWh of energy used).
  • If necessary, you need to specify relevant suppliers by naming the purchased products and services or uploading invoices. Thus, we know which product level GHG intensities to use.

Why us?

State-of-the-art calculation method
Scientific calculation with holistic, consistent and consumption-based accounting. Thus, we use the "right" GHG factors for scope 3 in a world with complex global supply chains. Complementary "bottom-up" data sets are also used. The index is updated annually. Compliant with the GHG Protocol. Read more HERE.
The process for determining greenhouse gas emissions on the basis of categorized payment transactions was verified by TÜV Rheinland. Read more HERE.
Attractive pricing
We offer our high quality platform services at affordable prices.
Calculation with minimal effort
Calculation and tracking are possible with minimal effort - one csv-export from your accounting system and you're ready to go.
°C KPI for benchmarking and tracking
How would the earth heat up if all companies behaved like ours? Use a simple and effective degree-Celsius-metric to align your strategy as close as possible with the 1.5°C limit and to track your progress.

Pricing climate accounting

net price per year

up to 49 employees

50+ employees

Service providers, all industries
980 €
Upon request
Trade, incl. traded products
1.400 €
Upon request
Manufacturing / construction industry
1.650 €
Upon request

Service providers,
all industries

up to 49 Employees:
980 €
490 €
50+ Employees:
Upon request

‍inl. t

Up to 49 Employees:
1.225 €
612,50 €
50+ Employees:
Upon request
Included features/services at a glance

Decarbonization strategy, upon request
* For C3 reporting in accordance with the VSME standard

> Climate footprint and decarbonization strategy are eligible for funding (up to 60%) under the BAFA transformation plan <
Get started for free

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